这所大学在2021USNEWS世界大学工科领域排行榜上,名列世界第6,欧洲第1,却不是我们耳熟能详的英国帝国理工、苏黎世联邦理工与洛桑联邦理工,也不是德国慕尼黑工大和亚琛工大,虽然在北欧,却不是以瑞典皇家理工为代表的N5T(北欧5所知名工科大学简称),这也太低调了吧~ 奥尔堡大学(Aalborg University, http://www.en.aau.dk/),成立于1974年,它是丹麦五所大学中最年轻的一所大学。在过去的几年里,大学发展非常迅速,校区也在不断扩大。大学位于丹麦的第四大城市,人口约160,000的奥尔堡市。学生可搭乘飞机(50分钟)和火车(4小时39分)由哥本哈根到达奥尔堡市。 大学最初建于奥尔堡,从1995开始又合并了埃斯比约工程师学校,建立了埃斯比约校区,2005 和哥本哈根工程师学校合作开办了哥本哈根校区。 奥尔堡大学在2021USNEWS世界大学工科领域排行榜上,名列世界第6,欧洲第1,超过了苏黎世联邦理工、帝国理工与洛桑联邦理工等一众欧洲工科名校。 延伸阅读: 2021USNews工科排名世界第6/欧洲第1,Offer 2~ 2022北欧留学|名校都截止申请了吗?这所“低调”却重量级的北欧大学(工科排名世界第6/欧洲第1),3月截止申请~ 4个岗位制博士项目盘点 学制3-5年,免学费,带有工资,税后工资2000-3000欧元左右,具体如下: 1.PHD IN CONDITION MONITORING FOR SMART POWER ELECTRONIC CONVERTER SYSTEMS FOR DISTRIBUTED GENERATION (14-22001) At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as PhD stipend is available within the general study program. The PhD stipend is open for appointment from 1st May 2022 or soon after. The position is for 3 years. JOB DESCRIPTIONAalborg University contributes to the knowledge building of the global society as well as the development of prosperity, welfare and culture of Danish society. This is accomplished through research, research-based education, public sector services and knowledge collaboration. AAU educates students for the future and activities are based on a dynamic and transformative collaboration with the surrounding community. AAU Energy is a dynamic engineering research department in continuous growth and inspiring surroundings. AAU Energy has a very international environment and covers all areas of clean and sustainable energy systems of the future within electrical, thermal and mechatronic energy technology. AAU Energy has campuses in both Aalborg and Esbjerg, this position is located in Aalborg. Applicants must satisfy the following eligibility conditions for MSCA Early-Stage Researchers: They must have obtained their master’s degree in the past 4 years and must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies) in Denmark for more than 12 months in the past 3 years. Applications of candidates not fulfilling these eligibility conditions will not be considered.Be eligible to enroll or be enrolled in the University PhD program (https://www.phd.engineering.aau.dk/)For consideration, interested applicants should submit the following documents: Letter of motivationDiplomas confirming academic degrees (Master degree), and the academic transcripts.Curriculum vitaePublications (if applicable)Project description (4-5 pages), which describes the applicant’s initial thoughts and ideas related to the specific project applied for. This includes a brief state-of-the-art (including short list of references), a time schedule and how the applicant intends to shed light on the project objectives. All documentation should be in English and merged in a single PDF document. Please, note that applications which do not follow the announcement’s guidelines will not be considered.VACANCY NUMBER14-22001 DEADLINE28/02/2022 2.PHD STIPEND IN INSECT MICROBIOME ASSOCIATIONS (18-21104) At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a PhD Stipend is available within the study programme of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from 1 April 2022. The position is for 3 years. The Department consists of two sections with research and teaching in Biotechnology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Technology and Biology. Place of employment of the position is Section for Bioscience and Engineering in Aalborg. In the workplace, we strive for diversity in nationality, culture, and gender, growth as a team effort, maintaining an inspiring physical work environment, and ensuring a good work-life balance. JOB DESCRIPTION Commercial insect production has been suggested as a major way of achieving a more sustainable production of food and feed that can help secure the global demand for food, but with less emission of greenhouse gasses. However, insect performance and nutritional value differ substantially across growth substrates and production thus needs to be optimized to be a major contributor of food and feed. The successful applicant will become part of a team (Assoc. Prof. and PI Simon Bahrndorff (Aalborg University), Prof. Jeffery Tomberlin (Texas University), and Prof. Tom Gilbert (University of Copenhagen)) aiming at exploring insect microbiome associations and the biotechnological applications of the hologenome (host genome and metagenome of the intestinal microorganisms) for improving insect production. We hypothesize that unique microbiomes can be used for improving insect production through increased feed conversion efficiency and with a more uniform performance and production across growth substrates.The successful applicant will among other things investigate the gut microbiome composition and functional role in insects, and use microbiome engineering to help improve commercial insect production. A relevant educational background within biology, biotechnology or molecular biology, and experimental experience in biology and/or molecular biology is necessary. Furthermore, documented bioinformatics competences and experience is considered an advantage. PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Master's degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Engineering and Science in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 1039 of August 27, 2013 on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed at regular points in time. VACANCY NUMBER 18-21104 DEADLINE 15/02/2022 3.PHD STIPEND IN BIOPOLYMER FLOCCULATION AND DEWATERING OF LAKE SEDIMENT (18-21105) At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a PhD Stipend is available within the study programme of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from 1 April 2022. The position is for 3 years. The Department consists of two sections with research and teaching in Biotechnology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Technology and Biology. Place of employment of the position is Section of Chemical Science and Engineering in Aalborg. In the workplace, we work for diversity in nationality, culture, and gender, growth as a team effort, maintaining an inspiring physical work environment, and ensuring a good work-life balance. JOB DESCRIPTION The PhD stipend is announced as part of the Circular Lake Restoration - rePair project funded by the Poul Due Jensen Foundation and the research of this PhD project will primarily focus on flocculation and dewatering of lake sediment for phosphorus extraction and recovery. The rePair project is managed by a consortium of multiple partners and close collaboration with other partners will be an integrated part of the project as well as participating in project status meetings and outreach activities. The overall aim of the RePair project is to promote a paradigm shift in lake management by restoring freshwater bodies by transforming lake sediment and phosphorus polluted lake water into valuable resources without any harmful effect on the environment. Flocculation and dewatering are a key method for handling lake sediment and ensure that the water can be returned to the lake. Synthetic polymers are often use but may be toxic for the environment. Part of the PhD is to test and develop biopolymer as an environmental friendly alternative to synthetic polymers. Atomistic simulation and analyses of floc strength may be used as a method to design better biopolymers. Filter aids have to be tested experimentally to ensure high quality of filtrate and low water content in dewatered sediment and compared with chemical equilibrium simulation and theoretical calculation of interaction energy between biopolymers and particles. Thermogravimetric and hydro-textural method will be developed and used to predict final dry matter content and rheological properties of the dewatered sediment Applicants must have Master of Science (MSc.) degree in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, or similar from an internationally recognized University with a master thesis in one of the following areas: chemical engineering, process chemistry and rheology. VACANCY NUMBER 18-21105 DEADLINE 30/01/2022 4.PHD STIPEND IN CYBERSECURITY-PRESERVING OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS (8-21101) At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, a PhD stipend in cybersecurity-preserving optimization algorithms is available within the general study programme Electrical and Electroninc Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from March 1, 2022, or soon as possible thereafter. In electronics engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and the societal relevance of its research programmes. The Department of Electronic Systems consists of more than 200 employees, of which about 40 % are international and about 90 are enrolled PhD students. The Department hosts 620 students. The Department's excellent research infrastructures and facilities accentuate its global position in teaching and research. The Department's research centres around communication, antennas, control systems, AI, sound, cybersecurity and robotics. The Department plays an active role in translating discoveries and results into practical applications with industrial partners and IPR. The Department provides teaching for several BSc and MSc programmes using a problem- and project-based learning model. JOB DESCRIPTION The PhD project aims to develop methods for detecting whether a cyber-attack takes place and pinpointing (isolating) the attack's exact location. The anticipated approach leans upon fault detection techniques and safety verification methods known in control engineering. In short, the idea is to use a physical model that predicts the expected evolution and compare it with the measurements. If a fault occurs, the discrepancy between the prediction and the actual situation is observed. The nominal distribution is compared with the distribution extracted from the measurements. The discrepancy between these two is a metric of how severe the attack is. We compute the probability of the attack and intend to use classification techniques known in machine learning to determine the software code under attack. We will use three types of information in the detection algorithm: sensor data, dynamical models (hydraulic, mechanical, electrical), and network traffic data. The detection algorithms will be implemented using a cyber-secure protocol, e.g., multiparty computation. The PhD student will collaborate with R*D engineers from two major Danish companies ?rsted and Grundfos. VACANCY NUMBER 8-21101 DEADLINE Sun Jan 30 00:00:00 CET 2022 |
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