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代沟英语作文 代沟英语作文带翻译

发布时间:2021-05-20 14:57 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
1、正文 The idea of each person is different, naturally there is the differences in language, also appeared in the catchword of generation gap now. Parents think that since I gave birth to you, you should complete listen to me, but this is wrong. Al


The idea of each person is different, naturally there is the differences in language, also appeared in the catchword of generation gap now.

Parents think that since I gave birth to you, you should complete listen to me, but this is wrong. Although the law, parents are the guardian of children, keep the to the age of 18, but parents also there is no need to impose their feudal ideas to children. Is the so-called parents dont want to let the child to do, children, the more willing to challenge the limit of the parents.

Now children after 00, mostly only children, by the education is the best. So parents dont need to put their own ideas about the childs body, as for the problem of puppy love now, parents repeatedly discouraged, and education, but I want to ask, useful? Is not the best to fight, the way of the cold war ended, not communicate slowly sit down with the kids.

Parents always think that they have no wrong, he is high above the, beat and scold the child is normal, because there used to be a famous saying the stern father son, but I want to say, that was the last time, please dont compared with modern, you should keep up with the trend of The Times, we know you is good for us, but in a different way, the result is different also. Now the children are in the rebellious period, temper is normal, but their parents think children back to the unfilial, is bound to cause a family war.

Child achievement good, delicious good drink honours, record down, is not let into the house, you only see the childs grades, but not children how hard. Dont they saw scores and sad? More for your child to think it over.

I just hope that parents understand the children, to narrow the generation gap.








相关专题: 生活经验


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