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发布时间:2021-04-29 23:37 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
小孩眺望远方,成人思念故乡;我们从挣扎着松绑,到思念的投降,大概这就是成长。 Children look at the distance, adults miss home; We from the struggle to loosen the bond, to miss the surrender, probably this is the growth. 世界上无法言说的遗憾,藏在眼泪


Children look at the distance, adults miss home; We from the struggle to loosen the bond, to miss the surrender, probably this is the growth.


The unspeakable regret in the world, hidden in tears, fell in the years, lost in the stubborn, and then disappeared in the sea.


When there is nothing to say, silence is more sad than quarrel.


Silence is the answer, dodge is the answer, no longer active is the answer, in fact, you should have understood.


When I was young, I thought happiness was growing up, but when I grew up, I was happy.


Take the wrong bus is not terrible, afraid you do not want to get off; In fact, you may be the only one who regrets something.


Too hard, too hurtful hurt yourself; Too soft, and can not protect their own; How hard it must be to be sharp and tender at the same time.


Cigarette end is always ash, the end of the story is sad, no words not to say once, nothing to say is the end.


Not not brave, but after the kind of honesty, the feeling of being abandoned, too terrible too painful.


Is a disappointment, erased all our childish and capricious; That piece of wilderness, slowly grew a rational indifference and sober.


We are all like passers-by, many personnel, we can not do the master; Like the time of departure, like the people who are lost.


Life seems to be simple, but it bears too much affection and necessity. Life seems easy, but it makes you involuntarily. No one has any story in his heart, but he just learns to control it.


Unconsciously we have changed, we lost the former self, become inarticulate, learned to be silent, learn to silent self-healing, prefer to be alone.


How many degrees of wine, to match the sudden sadness; How much injustice, can think of tears; What kind of end, can be worthy of this road displaced.

相关专题: 生活经验


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