1、压岁钱 压岁钱是由长辈派发给晚辈的,年晚饭后长辈要将事先准备好的压岁钱分给晚辈,据说压岁钱可以压住邪祟,晚辈得到压岁钱就可以平平安安度过一岁。 New Years money is distributed by the elders to the younger generation. After the annual dinner, the elders should distribute the prepared New Years money to the younger generation. It is said that the money can suppress evil spirits and the younger generation can live safely through the year. 2、守岁 中国民间在除夕有守岁的习惯,吃罢团圆饭,灶具要洗得干干净净,以备正月初一早上或全天吃素。晚上要守岁,每个房间要整夜灯火通明,叫点岁火。 On New Years Eve, Chinese people have the habit of keeping the age of the year, eating reunion dinner on strike, and cleaning the stoves for vegetarianism on the morning of the first day of the first lunar month or all day. Every room should be bright all night, which is called Lighting New Years Fire.? 守岁的民俗主要表现为除夕夜灯火通宵不灭,守岁谓之“燃灯照岁”,即大年夜遍燃灯烛,据说如此照岁之后,就会使来年家中财富充实。 The folk custom of keeping the lights on New Years Eve is mainly manifested in that the lights are kept up all night, which is called burning the lights to shine the year. That is to say, burning the candles all over the New Years Eve will enrich the family wealth in the coming year. |
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